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FAQs Answered: Setting Up Your Scuba Wall
August 11, 2022

Learn the best way to hang Portable Church’s scuba wall and avoid a mess of magnets when you pack things away.

Scuba walling is everyone’s favorite thing about being mobile. It may be the texture or how easy it is, or maybe all the clicking magnets. There is definitely a correct method for hanging your scuba that avoids damaging the material and a big mess of magnets the next time you need to set up, and we’ve created a video to help.

Portable Church’s scuba walls are designed to look great and be super simple to set up. Even though the setting up and packing away of scuba is simple, we want you to know the tricks to get the most out of your gear, which is why our instructional video is so very valuable for training anyone who will need to hang and take down your church’s scuba walling. 

Have you seen our customized scuba walls in our store?

In this short video, Debbie walks through:

  • Gently twisting magnets apart
  • How to correctly attach magnets to the ceiling
  • Extending a wall with more scuba units
  • Correctly taking down scuba
  • Avoiding a mess of magnets in storage

Show your volunteers how easy it is to use scuba when you share this clip during your training sessions.

Does your church or ministry need a scuba wall? Do you have questions about how to divide rooms effectively? We’re here to help! Book a call with us today.

Need a reminder of how to correctly hang and take down PCI’s scuba? Check out this short video and share it with your volunteers today. Click To Tweet