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6 Top Reasons a Budget Solution Might Be the Best Choice for Your Portable Church
November 22, 2022

Launch quickly and don’t miss a thing when you invest in Portable Church Box Solutions.

Launch quickly and don’t miss a thing when you invest in Portable Church Box Solutions.

Portable Church Industries asked successful plants about their opinions on key price points and non-negotiable equipment that suits church plants of varying sizes: from below 100, to more than 400 attendees. With such valuable information at hand, we have developed innovative and high-quality Portable Church Box Solutions for churches that need a budget-focused, volunteer-focused, and future-focused solution for launching.

A budget solution can make some people doubt the efficacy and quality of the service or product on offer. But this is not the case with Portable Church Box Solutions. In this case, “budget” doesn’t mean “less valuable”, it means that your church won’t spend unnecessarily on equipment, therefore, you are more likely to honor your budget.

We want you to know precisely why our budget solutions may be just what your church needs. The reasons are numerous, but here are our 6 top reasons:

6 Top Reasons a Budget Solution Might Be the Best Choice for Your Portable Church

1. Portable Church Box Solutions are Budget-friendly 

Launching a church for the very first time raises the chances of our church spending excess money. Often, teams aren’t sure of what they need, so they buy more than is necessary or invest in equipment that is not quite right for their setup.

PCI box solutions are designed by experts, who have in-depth knowledge and experience with knowing precisely what churches need to host a successful launch. Aside from the benefit of their expertise, this also means that the box solutions are full of what your church truly needs, without the excess that would just add unnecessary cost.

Additionally, PCI design consultants have worked with thousands of churches and over time, have learned what equipment is most durable, comfortable, and cost-effective. All these factors play a significant role in managing a budget diligently and by utilizing box solutions, your church bank account will benefit tremendously. 

2. Leaders Can Focus on the Big Picture of a Church Plant or Multisite Launch

If you want to skip the nitty-gritty of determining exactly which chair is best for your portable church https://www.portablechurch.com/2022/equipment/best-portable-church-chairs/, PCI will do the deciding for you so you can focus on your vision of reaching your community for the Kingdom.

Portable church box solutions are detail-focused, from coffee systems to lighting solutions. The essentials are covered and you don’t have to worry about missing a detail. This is a huge advantage because it allows you to focus on the bigger picture of your visions. You get to focus on the overall launch, your team members, and the message you will deliver to your community.

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3. The Team Can Be Ready to Launch a Portable Church Yesterday 

Need to launch quickly? Got a tight timeline? Eager to reach your community and extend the Kingdom?

Portable church box solutions can be the deciding factor as to whether your church is able to launch on time.  Box solutions cut out delays because decisions are made for you. And since the PCI team doesn’t need to assess your facility and build your equipment, a significant portion of time is saved. 

Need to launch quickly? Portable Church Box Solutions cut out delays because decisions are made for you. They’re also budget-focused, volunteer-focused, and future-focused, which is an all-around win for your church. Share on X

4. Box Solutions Include a Complete Portable Church Sound System 

It’s rare to find a box solution that includes AVL equipment but after years of experience, PCI learned that churches will always need AVL solutions, so why not provide them, so you don’t have to. 

PCI worked with various plants to determine the best price points and adaptable AVL equipment, which has resulted in the box solutions offering the best options available in the industry.

AVL crew? Church Techies Share The AVL Equipment They Don’t Want To Live Without

5. Children’s Ministry Basics Are Ready for Your Launch 

In every box solution option, you will find a nursery and elementary solution for your church. This means that Portable Church Box Solutions don’t just focus on your requirements for your main service. 

PCI knows just how important children’s ministry is, and churches have a far more successful launch and impact in their communities if they cater to younger generations, too. 

Launch quickly and don’t miss a thing when you invest in Portable Church Box Solutions.

6. Even Pre-designed Box Solutions are Adaptable 

PCI box solutions offer 4 levels (S, M, L, XL) that vary by price and capacity.  You can either choose your church’s box solution depending on the size of your congregation or the budget you’ve set aside. 

If these four options don’t quite fit what your church needs, you even have the option of custom designing a unique solution that will cater to your church’s vision, culture, venue, and budget. 


Purchasing equipment for your church can be daunting, especially when you’re trying to be as wise as possible with your budget. You will probably find yourself wishing for someone who knows more than you in the industry, just to check that you’re on the right track. This is why utilizing experts in the field of launching churches is a good idea.

Interested in discussing how a Portable Church solution might be right for your church plant? Set up a meeting at a time that works for you, and one of our experts will call you.