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A Study of 1,500-Plus And multisite campuses

We partnered with Leadership Network to survey over 1,500 leaders of new churches nationwide. The results are in this publication, 8 Launch Wins: A Study of 1,500-Plus New Churches and Multisite Campuses, written by Dr. Warren Bird.

The experiences of the participants have provided us compelling data about growth of church plants and new multisite campuses. A few of the most intriguing findings are:

  • The effort to start something new – a church, a campus location – is absolutely worthwhile in terms of the spiritual fruit that will result.
  • The first five years of a new church or new campus are incredibly significant and fruitful.
  • A solid quarter of the new churches or campuses surveyed estimate that half or more of their people are inviting others to consider faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Two out of every three portable churches surveyed found great value in being portable.

With responses from both portable and permanent location leaders, we are excited to share this encouraging resource FREE to download!

Complete this quick form for instant download:

February 8, 2018 Update: Our second report with Leadership Network has been released! Learn more about the Latest Multisite Trends report now.