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What Inspires Me (Joe Kalmanir)
February 28, 2008

My experience with the church planting movement in this country has been an eye-opening experience of Love and Determination.

I have met leaders and communities that are so true and genuine that I want to move away from friends and family to experience their passion and love for their communities. Here at Portable Church, with all of the eccentric workers and the common goal of impacting this world, the palpable Love from Christ runs from these dynamic and honest pastors & leaders, and inspires me and leaves me in a place where I feel Christ.

When I first thought about how this company could impact the world, I thought it was a crazy idea… that it was nothing more than a passing notion of logistics and muscle. I realized later that that was far from the truth.

God has done an amazing amount of work through this company to vitalize and inspire communities of believers to go out into their local municipalities and Love Others. Hearing, daily, about the amazing work he has done in different cities throughout this country and Canada keeps me coming into work every day.

Joe Kalmanir is part of our Consultation Team. He has spent 19+ years with PCI and has worked every post from carpenter to CNC-Machine-Fixer to Integrator to Trainer to Electrician. In his personal life, he is part of a church plant in the Metro Detroit area and is married to the beautiful and lovely Kim.