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63 Potential Spaces For Your Next Launch
September 5, 2019

Our new resource – The Ultimate List of Portable Church Venues – talks about all the different potential spaces you could use for your next campus launch or your church plant.

We developed this resource in response to the question we get all the time – where should our church launch?! So – if you find yourself wondering that very thing, this was created with you in mind. 

Outlined in the resource are 63 potential spaces you could set up a portable church in. The bolded venues are the ones that are commonly used for portable churches and all the other venue options may not be used all the time but they are all locations that we have helped churches launch in. Something to note is that not every location on this list is going to connect with you as personally, but they are locations that will get your mind thinking about all of the types of facilities that you have available to you in your community. 

Not only does this resource provide you with a list of options but it also has pictures that show how well it can actually look once you set up your church in one of these locations. 

To talk more in-depth about a particular type of facility or to see more pictures don’t hesitate to give us a call at 800.939.7722.