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Church With All God’s Creatures
March 30, 2016

Over the years, we’ve helped hundreds of churches launch in spaces that required them to be portable and efficient. Most often, we see churches launch in a setting like a school, hotel, or theater. However, we’ve also helped a few churches launch in some pretty unique spaces.

We’ve helped a brand new church plant in the banquet facilities of a Dallas area ‘Ranch Safari.’ Visitors could enjoy church and a fun visit to hundreds of exotic animals on Sundays. A quick walk to the window of the facility would give you the view of alligators lounging in their habitat. The kids loved going to church! The banquet facilities easily accommodated more than 200 adults and almost 100 children.

Church Launch, Portable Church, Church Plant, Multisite Church, church planters, mobile church, facility, church venue, church planting, church location


Looking to launch a church in a unique, portable venue? How can we help? Give us a call at 800.939.7722.

And are you looking for more tips on finding the right venue for your portable church? Download our FREE eBook ‘Choosing The Right Facility For Your Portable Church.

Church Launch, Portable Church, Church Plant, Multisite Church, church planters, mobile church, facility, church venue, church planting, church location